Sunbird 01SE24:

Sunbird Auction 01SE24 was a LIVE AUCTION that took place on Sunday 1st September 2024 in Hillcrest, KZN.

All unsold lots are now available for outright purchase at reserve prices. Simply 'bid' for them in the normal way and lots will automatically be entered at reserve.

Reasonable offers below reserve will be considered. Please submit offers by email as they cannot be entered via the website.


(1) Reserves and Estimates are in South African Rand.

(2) Approximate rates of exchange as of 04/08/24: £1 = R23: €1 = R20; $1 = R18.

(3) All lots are subject to 10% Buyers Premium, added at invoice stage. All bids submitted are deemed exclusive of Buyers Premium.

(4) Due to the collapse of the South African Post Office, all lots for overseas buyers that do not warrant the expense of courier, are packed separately and sent all together in one larger parcel via courier to our agent in the UK, who then forwards each package via Royal Mail. A little extra patience is required in such cases.

(5) Weights for most larger lots form part of the descriptions and include albums etc. Larger lots can only be delivered by air courier and shipping may be prohibitive. We make every effort to reduce the weight, but overseas buyers should bear this in mind when bidding. When in doubt, please enquire about approximate shipping costs.

(6) You may bid online via the website, or send your bids in by email, or you may submit bids by phone.

(7) When you have added at least one lot to your online bid form, a red Shopping Cart icon will appear in top menu at left. When you have selected all lots of interest, click on the Shopping Cart, where you find all selected lots that are automatically entered at reserve prices. You may increase your bid amount/s, add and delete lots, before Proceeding to Checkout and completing the process.

(8) Once you have completed the process fully, your bids will be confirmed via email. If you do not receive such confirmation, please advise us so we can resolve this immediately.

(9) You may Search (link below) for any key word/s under Name (e.g. Union-Castle, or Birds, Ships or any thematic etc).

  • You need to login before you can add Lots to your bid form.